HuniePop 2 - Double Date.CT Update 2 (69.07 KiB) Downloaded 8847 times HuniePop 2 - Double Date.CT Update 1 (52.7 KiB) Downloaded 6080 times HuniePop 2 - Double Date.CT (47.
Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process. Or unlock permanently when saving the game. You now can either temporarily unlock them, while the script is enabled. Split 'Unlock All Outfits and Hairstyles' into two. Changed console key back to default (ENTER), as it makes more sense. Fixed typo in the 'Insta-Max Passion' script that made it not work. Made 'Infinite Seeds' script more compatible with the GOG version. It may have different ones in the future. As of now, it has one script (Play Cutscenes). Added 'General Testing Stuff' category. Added 'Unlock All Outfits and Hairstyles' script. Over twice as much content as the original HuniePop, including 8 new dates, 20 new challenges, and 100 new collectible items. An expanded soundtrack featuring over 20 new songs, with several tracks available as free DLC. Added 'Infinite TALKING Stamina' script. An all-new cast of girls to date, HuniePop 2 free PC download each with their own unique personalities, preferences, looks. Type the command, and press ENTER again to execute. Unlocks the developer console which you can use to type some commands listed below. Just in general, remember that this is buggy, and will make characters appear, and things overlap. Also, the moment you enable the script, open the 'Finder' tab first to ensure that it'll work.
Some cutscenes might not play, others might overlap over other stuff and mess up in general. To use it, change 'Desired Cutscene' to a number from 1 to 175, and double click 'Waiting' and set to 'Play Cutscene'.
(You can change them from the hotel room) Either temporarily (While script enabled) or permanently. You'll get 900 of each seed on opening the store. You'll have infinite stamina when talking only. You'll have infinite overall stamina, in both dates and talking.